Broiler Hatchery Figures Show Varied Trends, Anticipate USDA’s Poultry Production Report


Broiler hatchery data unveils a diverse pattern for the second consecutive week, indicating nuanced trends in the poultry industry.

According to the USDA, 239.583 million eggs entered incubators last week, marginally below figures from both the preceding week and the same period last year. This suggests a potential tightening in chick supply for meat production later this month, particularly with an average hatchability rate hovering just below 80%.

However, placements of broiler chicks destined for meat production slightly exceeded numbers from both the previous week and the corresponding period last year, reaching 185.676 million. This could potentially translate to a larger supply of broiler chickens in the early spring months.

Market observers keenly await the USDA’s forthcoming poultry production expectations report, scheduled for release on Thursday, February 8th, at Noon Eastern/11 Central, which is anticipated to provide further clarity on industry trends.

A closer look at state-specific data offers insights into regional variations:

  • Arkansas: Egg sets decreased from 24.781 million to 24.449 million, while placements dropped from 21.218 million to 19.808 million.
  • Kentucky: Egg sets saw a slight uptick from 6.779 million to 6.785 million, but placements declined from 5.417 million to 5.357 million.
  • Missouri: Egg sets decreased from 8.593 million to 8.161 million, with placements declining from 5.285 million to 4.973 million.
  • California/Tennessee/West Virginia: Egg sets remained relatively stable at 13.216 million, with placements decreasing from 12.449 million to 11.924 million.

These fluctuations underscore the complexity of factors influencing broiler hatchery numbers across different regions, reflecting both production dynamics and market demand shifts.