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The shift towards cage-free housing systems in the poultry industry reflects a growing consumer demand for more humane and natural living conditions for laying hens. However, this transition brings with it a unique set of challenges, one of the...
Eggs are a staple in many diets around the world, but few people stop to consider the variety in their appearance. The color, shape, and shade of eggs are influenced by a myriad of factors, ranging from the breed...
Cherkizovo, Russia's second-largest producer of broiler meat, is poised to increase its production output in 2024, according to a company spokesperson speaking with Agroinvestor. The anticipated growth is attributed to the optimization of operations in central European Russia and the...
There is never a time in broiler production where there aren’t challenges facing producers in some form or fashion.  Many challenges – whether they are nutritional, health, or management related – tend to be seasonal. Fall is typically a...
March saw a mixed bag in U.S. egg production, according to the latest report from the USDA. Total egg production increased by 1% to reach 9.29 billion, driven by an improved rate of lay despite a decline in the...
The North-West MEC for Agriculture and Rural Development, Desbo Mohono has handed over a 45000-capacity refurbished broiler house to Selame Poultry, a Haartebeesfontein-based agriculture project. This was delivered on Friday, 22 March 2024 as part of the Provincial Accelerated...
In poultry research, energy responses have long been gauged by feed intake and egg production parameters. However, Professor Michael Persia of Virginia Tech's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences embarked on a novel exploration of poultry energy levels, driven...
Broiler production totaled 4,052 million pounds in January, an increase of 2.0 percent from January 2023. This is due to both 0.6 percent higher average weights and to January 2024 having one more slaughter day, which more than offset a lower...
In a recent update to the Senate Ag Committee, USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack hinted at the likelihood of extending waivers to enable faster poultry processing line speeds. This move comes amidst ongoing trials and modifications within the USDA's Food...
In the Midwest, we’ve historically had more than enough water for everyone. Agricultural, industrial, and residential uses have all developed more or less peacefully (at least in terms of access to water). This usually meant a laissez-faire approach to...
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