by Frank Fitzpatrick
Jul 1, 2021
A cooped-up flock of law-breaking Philadelphians continued to grow in number and prosper during the pandemic. Thousands of chickens are being raised citywide, according to one estimate, despite a 2004 ordinance designed to eliminate the practice.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned people with backyard poultry that their chickens may be linked to a salmonella outbreak.
"Don’t kiss or snuggle backyard poultry, and don’t eat or drink around them. This can spread salmonella germs to your mouth and...
After years of debate, one of Nova Scotia’s smallest towns is seeking to put to rest the question of whether to allow farm animals within town limits.
On Monday, residents of Mulgrave will have the opportunity to vote in a...
Amount and Type of Feed Required for One Chicken by Age and Purpose.
Source: Purina
Summer is a time for fun, adventure and excitement – for both backyard chicken raisers and their flocks. To keep birds cool in the summertime, provide a chicken waterer with fresh, cool water for hydration, maintain chicken coop...
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With interest in locally produced food and a desire to become more self-sufficient, more people are raising chickens as a hobby. Every flock needs housing, and anyone who has searched for a plan knows, there are...
A CDC investigation notice regarding multistate outbreaks of Salmonella infections has been posted:
Key points:
CDC and public health officials in several states are investigating multistate outbreaks of Salmonella infections linked to contact with backyard poultry.
There have been...
Backyard poultry and small-scale livestock agriculture are a growing trend in the U.S., even in large cities such as Seattle, Portland, Denver and San Francisco. Residents raising backyard poultry and livestock do so for a variety of reasons such...
You can help minimize the spread of Avian Influenza. By properly following these tips, such as placing hand-sanitizers at all entrances of buildings, you can help keep yourself and your chicken population healthy.
Backyard chicken flocks continue to grow in popularity as Mississippians embrace the ability to produce some of their own food and enjoy the quirky personalities of the birds.
Tom Tabler, poultry specialist with the Mississippi State University Extension Service, said...