What is Biosecurity?

Last Modified: Feb 8, 2019

What is Biosecurity?

Biosecurity refers to everything that’s done to keep diseases and the pathogens that carry them – viruses, bacteria, funguses, parasites and other microorganisms – away from birds, property, and people. This includes:

  • Structural biosecurity: measures used in the physical construction and maintenance of coops, pens, poultry houses, family farms, commercial farms, and other facilities.
  • Operational biosecurity: practices, procedures, policies that are consistently followed by people.

Biosecurity is a team effort. Everyone involved in raising poultry must use structural and operational biosecurity to prepare for and prevent disease outbreaks throughout the U.S. Put simply: we have to work together to protect our flocks.

What can you do? You can make sure that biosecurity is practiced each and every day. By practicing good biosecurity, you can reduce the risk of infectious diseases being carried onto your property by people, animals, equipment, or vehicles – either accidentally or on purpose. You will also help protect other flocks by preventing the spread of disease.

The Defend the Flock program provides practical tips and information from USDA and other experts for keeping poultry healthy. Visit the Defend the Flock Resource Center for tools and resources to make your daily and seasonal routines do double-duty to prevent the outbreak and spread of disease. Follow Defend the Flock on Facebook  and Twitter for up-to-the-minute news and information.

Biosecurity is the key to keeping our nation’s poultry healthy. It’s a responsibility that we all share. Working together, we can defend all flocks from avian influenza and other infectious diseases.