The Canadian Poultry Research Council (CPRC) launched a new website – – as a central hub for CPRC-funded research. The site includes practical results of nearly 50 made-in-Canada poultry projects conducted over the last 10 years under the Science Cluster...
At its hybrid annual general meeting in October and at today's Board of Director’s meeting, the Poultry Industry Council reviewed a year of educational programming and elected in some changes around the board table. Long standing Chair of the board...
Novus International, Inc., is expanding its team in Canada to better serve its customers in that country. Katie Hirtle joined Novus this month as the senior sales specialist for Eastern Canada. She will work with dairy, swine, and poultry customers...
This video is a great reminder of the importance of separating “clean” and “dirty” areas at the entry of the barn. Avoiding any contact between these areas is important for minimizing the chance of brining pathogens into the bird...
Source: Egg Farmers of Canada Eggs are loved for their versatility, accessibility and delicious taste, but did you know the value of eggs extends far beyond the dinner table? That’s why we support cutting-edge research across Canada that explores innovative...
Egg Farmers of Canada is pleased to announce a partnership with De Dutch who are now featuring the Egg Quality Assurance™ (EQA®) certification mark on their menus within their restaurants throughout British Columbia and Alberta. These efforts demonstrate De...
In a shocking incident last month, a Nova Scotia poultry wholesalers facility fell victim to a break-in, resulting in the tragic death of thousands of chickens, according to a statement from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). Responding to a...
When it comes to egg production, sustainability is multi-faceted, covering everything from environmental impacts to animal welfare to food affordability. It can be daunting to explore the complexities of one of these areas, let alone all of them at...
Momentum is building to establish Canada’s first agri-food sustainability index. A private–public coalition of thirty-four diverse partners has released the Business Case for Establishing the National Index on Agri-Food Performance to affirm Canada’s agri-food leadership in a more demanding food world. There...
Egg Farmers of Canada is proud to support Canadian research in egg production, poultry science, animal and human nutrition, and economic and environmental sustainability at universities across the country. Egg Farmers of Canada’s call for letters of intent is...
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