ACM-NT Compact’s customized set-up always matches space and budget Easy-entry poultry cut-up automation In today’s tough times, there are various reasons for poultry processors to reconsider the number of operatives in their cut-up department and think about automating the process....
NORD DRIVESYSTEMS is once again attending the International Production and Processing Expo (IPPE) to showcase its solutions for the poultry and meat processing industry. NORD’s modular product system includes compact gear units, high-efficiency electric motors, and precise, intelligent electronic...
The brothers Randy and Sheldon Martin are both organic broilers producers in Ontario. Their respective farms Whispering Meadows (owned by Randy) and Sheldale Poultry (owned by Sheldon) barns are pretty much identical. The main difference? The first one is...
As the weather cools heading into winter, gas prices often rise. It is important to balance heating your barn and maintaining adequate air flow and air quality using minimum ventilation.Ventilation is crucial to providing the ideal environmental conditions for...
Try this before you replace a failed jet pump on your cool cell system.  Any motor exposed to the elements can suffer from "flash rusting" inside the housing no matter how well it is sealed. If a motor hums instead...
Seven steps to get your barn ready for Winter When the weather begins to change, be ready to keep your birds cozy and make a few adjustments so that poultry houses run as efficiently as possible throughout the winter.  
Walker Poultry Trailers, a leading manufacturer of high-quality poultry transportation solutions, emphasizes the critical importance of proper ventilation in poultry trailers. Dwayne Walker, founder of Walker Poultry Trailers, underscores how adequate ventilation can significantly impact the health and welfare...
Ventilation is a key management area to ensure happy healthy flocks that deliver great performance. Regardless of the weather outside, the goal is to maintain good exchange of air and consistent temperatures throughout the inside of the barn. To...
With the launch of its new website, Prism Controls is the new brand for the industry-leading poultry equipment manufacturer Poultry Management Systems Inc. (PMSI). “One of the primary drivers behind our decision to rebrand is our need to operate our...
Lighting is an essential factor in the success of the commercial production of layers and broilers. The demand for food worldwide is expected to double by 2030. To meet that demand, chicken producers are adopting new approaches to increase...
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