Today marked a special celebration of Canada’s poultry, dairy and egg farmers with the unique Downtown Diner pop-up on Sparks Street in Ottawa. The event, which invited Parliamentarians and the Ottawa community to try dishes and refreshments made with local ingredients, showcased the dedication of these farmers in supporting Canada’s food security.
Farmers representing Egg Farmers of Canada, Chicken Farmers of Canada, Turkey Farmers of Canada, Canadian Hatching Egg Producers and Dairy Farmers of Canada took part in the event and answered questions about farming and agriculture. Farmers also took the occasion to discuss government policies and legislation that ensure Canada can continue to prioritize a strong national food system, such as Bill C-282 (supply management). The support was overwhelming with over a thousand attendees dropping by the pop-up diner to meet farmers and show their support for made-in-Canada food.
Through supply management, poultry, egg and dairy farmers work together to ensure a stable and predictable supply of local poultry, egg and dairy products, all while delivering essential benefits to Canadians. Supply management supports thriving rural economies and local infrastructure and ensures that young people can see a future in farming. Not only does supply management allow Canada to produce enough food to feed Canadians year-round, it also delivers on Canadians’ values and priorities by offering high-quality food that is locally produced. A direct benefit of supply management is that there are farmers and farm families across the country who ensure Canadians have reliable access to poultry, egg and dairy products.
The Downtown Diner is just one way Canada’s poultry, egg and dairy farmers are helping Canadians learn about where their food comes from and the tools they use to support the food security of our country. Visit eggfarmers.ca, chickenfarmers.ca, turkeyfarmersofcanada.ca, chep-poic.ca and dairyfarmersofcanada.ca to learn more about Canada’s poultry, egg and dairy sectors and how they are prioritizing our national food system.
About Egg Farmers of Canada
Now in its sixth decade as one of Canada’s leading agriculture organizations, Egg Farmers of Canada manages the national egg supply and promotes egg consumption while representing the interests of over 1,200 regulated egg farmers and egg farm families from coast to coast. Visit eggfarmers.ca for more information.
About Chicken Farmers of Canada
Chicken Farmers of Canada represents nearly 2,900 chicken farmers from coast to coast and ensures that the chicken that reaches Canadian’s tables is trusted, preferred, and sustainable. Visit chickenfarmers.ca for more information.
About Turkey Farmers of Canada
Turkey Farmers of Canada is a national organization representing Canada’s 510+ turkey farmers. Created in 1974 under the federal Farm Products Agencies Act, the Agency encourages cooperation throughout the Canadian turkey industry, promotes the consumption of turkey meat, and oversees the supply management system for turkey in Canada. Visit turkeyfarmersofcanada.ca for more information.
About the Canadian Hatching Egg Producers
Founded in 1986, the Canadian Hatching Egg Producers represents 225 farmers from British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec. Our mission is to continue to grow a profitable broiler hatching egg industry in Canada in order to ensure a strong, efficient and competitive industry and a dependable supply of quality broiler hatching eggs to the Canadian chicken industry. Visit chep-poic.ca for more information.
About Dairy Farmers of Canada
Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) is the national policy, advocacy and promotional organization representing the nearly 10,000 Canadian dairy producers. DFC strives to create stable conditions for the dairy sector in our country. It also seeks to maintain policies that promote the sustainability of Canadian dairy production and promote dairy products and their health benefits. Visit dairyfarmersofcanada.ca for more information.